
Finding a wedding venue is probably something that I found the most stressful when planning our wedding. There are so many to choose from in the UK – each coming with their own pro’s and con’s. You can read about my top 10 things to consider when looking for a wedding venue post here. This […]

Michelle and Craig had a wonderful Summer Gean House Wedding in Scotland. The weekend had the best weather! All their guests were able to enjoy the outdoors. A wedding day split over two days. BBQ for dinner. Wedding dress to make Michelle feel like a princess. Friends and family coming together to celebrate their relationship. Popcorn, a […]


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couples shoot coventry ice cream spring

The Backstory: Michelle & Matt booked me for their Wethele Manor wedding this year. They decided to have an engagement shoot to get comfortable in front of the camera. We met on a really beautiful spring afternoon, and decided to venture to Ryton Pools. Coventry has some great hidden gems! At first we wandered around […]


Summer is the time of year that brings to mind the sound of birds chirping, the smell of freshly cut grass, and the feel of the warm sun against your skin. And for those of us whose friends are engaged, it also brings to mind the dates that have already been marked on our calendars. […]


Why Polymail? I’ve been a photographer for a long time now. For most of that time, I have used Apple products. Previous to that I used a Windows laptop and quite happily opened up Gmail and managed my emails from there. Once I’d upgraded to my iMac, I realised that everything was application based. There […]
